What Happens if We Don’t Vaccinate Our Children?

In today’s world it is an ever growing trend to not vaccinate our children. Why? Let’s break it all down straight from the beginning and try to make this make sense. I encourage you to click on the links for the resources I will provide and see the data for yourselves. I will only EVER use reputable sources. If I end up proving myself wrong by the research I conduct, then hey, I’m okay with that. This page is called NursingTRUTHS. Not NursingThisIsMyOpinionAndI’mStickingToIt. Let’s dive in.

What do vaccinations supposedly do for us?

Very simply… Vaccines help the body’s immune system learn how to fight germs.

What is an immune system? An immune system is a complex network of organs, cells, and proteins that defend the body against infection WHILE protecting your good cells- this keeps you healthy! Think of this like a network of soldiers.

Now your immune system learns how to fight germs in 1 of 2 ways:

  1. Active Immunity

  • This is when you’re EXPOSED to a disease. This triggers your immune system(your soldiers) to go to battle for you. They bring in the heavy artillery called antibodies.

    -Antibodies are proteins that the body produces to fight viruses and bacteria. (Think of these as snipers- they’re called in for special targets) Antibodies are disease specific. So if you haven’t been exposed to something, then you won’t have the antibodies to fight it off. EXPOSURE is key. You don’t know something’s hot until you touch it, right?

  • Exposure can happen naturally (meaning you physically acquire the infection or disease). OR you can be exposed through a vaccine.

Moving onto the second way your immune system learns to fight germs

2. Passive Immunity

  • This is when you receive antibodies (your snipers) through “accident.” Your immune system didn’t produce the antibodies themselves, rather, someone else gave them to you inadvertently. For example, A newborn baby receives antibodies through a mother’s placenta or her through her breast milk. OR you can receive antibodies through blood products.

History of Vaccines

What’s in a Vaccine?

The following is copy and pasted straight from the CDC website

Today's vaccines use only the ingredients they need to be as safe and effective as possible. A vaccine could include any of these kinds of ingredients:

  • Adjuvants such as aluminum salts help boost the body's response to a vaccination. (Also found in antacids, antiperspirants, etc.

  • Stabilizers such as sugars or gelatin help keep a vaccine effective after it is manufactured. (Naturally present in the body and found in foods such as Jell-O®.)

  • Formaldehyde helps prevent bacterial contamination during manufacturing. Formaldehyde is naturally present in the body at levels higher than vaccines. (Also found in the environment, preservatives, and household products.)

  • Thimerosal is a preservative used in the vaccine manufacturing process. It is no longer used to make any vaccine except multi-dose vials of the flu vaccine. Single dose vials of the flu vaccine are available as an alternative.

What People Get Hung Up On

  • Fetal cells or fetal DNA

-DISCLAIMER: are fetal cells used to GROW viruses to MAKE vaccines? Yes. Not all vaccines, but yes. some. (Read CAREFULLY and try not to loose your ever loving mind before you’re done reading and fully comprehending what I’m about to explain)

**In order to replicate a virus to physically make said vaccine, you first need a host- you need human cells. Why? Because most of the viruses we have infect humans not animals.

Breathe and Keep reading, I’m Not Done…

**Fetal cells are used because they are pure. They have never been infected with anything. ALSO fetal cells are able to be used longer. Which brings me to my next point, which is actually kinda cool…

-Fetal cells that were used in the 60’s are STILL being used TODAY. So it is very untrue that babies are still being aborted and then stripped for their cells and DNA. There is a lot of science behind it, but it’s a concept called “cell passage.” I encourage you to click on the links I have provided to give you the breakdown of it.

-To be clear, in the 60’s when these fetal cells were extracted, they did so from elective terminations of two pregnancies. This is important because if you are okay with organ donation (even fetal organ donation- your baby dies and then you opt to save other babies with the organs of your deceased baby) then this should be no different.

Note: Abortions were not legal in the 60’s so it was likely that they had to abort for medical reasons or because the babies had already passed away. The term “elective” is a very subjective term used even today. A surgery may be necessary, but the hospital and insurance companies will still term it as “elective.” So try not to get too caught up on that word.

-To summarize… vaccines do NOT contain fetal cells. When you are injected with a vaccine, you are NOT being injected with fetal DNA.

  • Mercury

    -If you look above you will see that thimerosal is an ingredient in vaccines. This is a mercury-based preservative. It’s used in multi-dose vials. Not just in vaccines, but medicines too. As a matter a fact, methylmercury is a type of mercury found in different types of fish and, as most people know, this is can be very harmful if you’re consuming large quantities of fish. So if you have a problem with thimerosal then stop eating fish because that’s more harmful than the preservative used in vaccines.


    -Thimerosal was removed from child vaccines in 2001 as a precautionary measure; although, it is still used in the flu vaccine.

  • Animal Cells/DNA

    -Like fetal cells, it is true that some animal cells are used to grow viruses to make vaccines. But they do not physically contain said DNA. Do you eat meat? Do you hunt? If you don’t that’s a bad example, but do you accept medication when you go to the dr? Odds are that medication was made using animal byproducts of some sort.

  • Vaccines Cause Autism

    -There’s only been two studies that have been cited and both studies were flawed. See the link below

  • Vaccines contain peanut oil

    -This is just widely untrue. Vaccines do not contain allergens.


  • If you didn’t click on The History of Vaccines link, you should. Look at the world from a different lens, and imagine the kind of night mare that could ensue again if we stopped vaccinating.

  • Remember how we build antibodies? Our built in snipers that target specific illnesses and diseases? Our body can’t trigger our immune system to make those antibodies if they don’t come in contact with a possible enemy. So… if you don’t come in direct contact with measles or small pox then how does your body know to make antibodies against it? You need a vaccine…

  • Measles was at an all time high in 2019. Why? The number of people that decided that vaccines were harmful went up.

  • What if everyone decided to stop vaccinating? All of the diseases we’re keeping at bay with vaccines would come hurdling back and we would essentially have a massacre on our hands. Look back at the history of vaccines… that’s what the world would look like.

    Don’t Get Me Wrong

    There are LEGITAMENT reasons for someone not to get vaccinated, which I won’t get into in this blog, but the basis of your decision should not stand on rumors or heresy.

    Do Your Research


Use Reputable Sources!

CDC, NIH, National Library of Medicine


Coffee vs. BreastFeeding